
move - left/right arrows

jump - up arrow

fall through platforms  - down arrow

restart - r

shoot - spacebar

This is a game made in 3 days for the Pixel Game Jam. The idea was to make a puzzle platformer type of game.

The main mechanic of the game is that you can shoot a zap, and that will keep a button pressed. However, you can only have one zap at a time, so when you shoot again, the last button will become unpressed.

Short time limit and me being very very new to Godot proved to result in making a lot less than I had originally planned. There are also quite a few bugs I don't know how to fix (if the missile hits a button, which gets unpresses after a while, just shoot from a different position; it will work after a try or two).

The theme for the game was "elctronic". That's what made me think of the idea, tbh, though - like I said - I didn't get to implement a lot of stuff. Generally, you play as a wizard who uses electricity to affect the environment.


Wizard of 26 MB

Install instructions

The .zip file contains the excutables for Windows and Linux inside.


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Deleted 193 days ago

Thanks a lot!

The tiles are clean, animations very nice.  Overall interesting to play.

Later levels are nontrivial and requires some thinking. It would be relly good if the game explained button mechanics and how restarting affect the level, because I had some issues with understanding that.

Considering no godot experience and only 3 days, it's really good game. Gratz.

: D

I´ve played it a couple of times now and I think your graphics is the best of all submissions and the movement is almost perfect! Sadly there is no sound or music and after a short time the levels get really hard, which makes the game feel boring , when you try a level for the 17th time and hear absolutelly nothing. A huge positive are the animations. From all the submissions I´ve seen (including mine) you were the only one. If you find the time, please rate my game because nobody else did...

One of the best games in this jam!


Thanks! I didn't have time to make any music sadly, there are some sound effects, but also not as many as I'd wanted, there are some unused ones in the game files, too.

And sure, I'll play and rate your game

I can´t play the game in the browser or as a download. Please fix that because the game sounds intresting!

Good news/bad news situation here. The Linux version works ;) (Wizard of Dzap.x86_64) in the zip file. Web version also does not work for me.

Try to get the windows version done. I´d like to test the game.

Interestingly enough, the windows version (Wizard of Dzap.exe) does work in wine for me. Maybe the developer can help you here? I don't have a graphics-capable windows instance around atm.

(1 edit)

Sadly I don't have Windows even, the executable works fine using wine for me as well. I will try to fix the browser version tomorrow, as now it's really late for me

Sorry for the inconvenience, the game is now playable in the browser (this actually went faster than I expected)